长期以来, 地勘项目的质量管理, 存在着管理原则不全面、方法欠先进、经济性欠佳等问题。随着人们质量意识的增强, 质量已不单纯是工业、农业产品之质量, 同时已成为勘察设计之必要度量。所谓广义质量则包含了工作质量、工序质量、服务质量和产品质量4 方面的内容。工程项目质量必须引入广义质量之概念,以期地勘单位在项目实施中获得最佳社会效益、最大经济利益。
For a long time, the quality management of geological survey item has the incomplete management principles, short of advanced management methods and poor economic benefits With the increasing awareness of quality, the quality now is not only one of industrial and agricultural products but also becomes the necessary measuring standard of investigation and design The macro quality includes four aspects of work quality, process quality, service quality and product quality The engineering quality shall introduce the concept of macro quality in order to enable the geological survey unit to gain the best social benefit and the maximum economic benefit
Water Power