目的 探讨在眼睑全层裂伤修复手术中睑板腺囊肿夹的应用的意义.方法 回顾在眼睑全层裂伤手术中,将睑板腺囊肿夹夹于伤口上进行手术操作的临床资料.结果 40例眼睑裂伤术中应用睑板腺囊肿夹,起到良好的固定、垫压、止血和保护作用,手术时间明显缩短,手术效果极佳.40例(40眼)中39例一期愈合,无感染,无组织缺血、坏死,无上睑下垂,其中1例(眼睑组织挫伤严重)术后眼睑略有畸形.结论 睑板腺囊肿夹应用于眼睑裂伤手术中,效果良好,不仅提高手术效率,而且降低手术操作的难度.
Objective To evaluate the innovative application of the chalazion forceps in surgery of eyelid full-thickness laceration,especially in surgery with palpebral full-thickness laceration or with parts of the eyelid tissue loss. Methods In the surgery of full-thickness eyelid laceration, clampping the chalazion forceps on the wound. The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results Of 40 cases of patients with eyelid lacerations,wounds were fixed appropriately,there are stable pressure pad, good hemostasis, and good protection in surgery, and surgical time was significantly shorter with excellent results. After surgery,39 of 40cases (40 eyes) became one stage repair of laceration without infection, ischemia, necrosis or ptosis, but there was 1 case( skin defect)with eyelid deformity. Conclusion The chalazion forceps used in the surgery of eyelid laceration,the result is good, the operation is efficiency and the difficulty of surgical operation is reduced.
Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
chalazion clamp
full-thickness eyelid laceration
innovative applications