目的对我科2006年以来诊治的54例多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)的临床资料进行总结,以提高MS的临床诊断水平。方法回顾性分析54例MS的临床症状、实验室资料和MRI特点。结果 54例MS患者中,症状以肢体无力、感觉异常、视力障碍、头晕及共济失调较为突出,MRI对除视神经外的MS病灶有高度敏感性,并可显示无临床症状的亚临床病灶。所有患者急性期采用常规糖皮质激素治疗症状均获得不同程度的改善。结论 MS临床症状具有多样性及复杂性,大脑半球、脑干、脊髓、小脑、视神经易受侵犯,结合有关实验室检查、神经电生理、影像学等检查可大大提高MS的早期确诊率,并对判断病情、指导治疗有意义。
Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to improve the diagnosis of the disease. Methods The clinical manifestation and laboratory data and MRI appearance of 54 cases of MS were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among 54 MS cases, the most prominent clinical symptoms were weakness, sensory aphasia, eye sight damage, dizziness and functional tremor. MRI was highly sensitive to lesions except optic nerve, and it could show sub- clinical lesions. Treatment of acute MS with corticosteroids was effective. Conclusion Clinical symptoms of MS are various and complex. Cerebral hemisphere, brain stem, spinal cord, .cerebellum and optic nerve are easy to be invaded. It is significantly important to combine laboratory test with electronourophysiology and MRI, that can elevate the ratio of diagnosis confirmation for patients in early phase, and it is valuable to determine the state of disease and treatment scheme.
Fujian Medical Journal
multiple sclerosis
clinical analysis
magnetic resonance imaging