在总结多年来的储粮工作经验基础上,构建了一套适合于中温高湿储粮区特有的实用储粮工艺流程,在四项新技术的基础上形成了以节能减排和增效降耗为主的低温储粮技术,降低熏蒸剂使用次数和使用量的熏蒸增效技术,降低能耗适时通风的智能通风技术,数字式精确测控的粮精检测技术为主体的,固定的"二同心圆"储粮工艺优化创新运行模式;同时在四项新技术的基础上将保水通风、环流熏蒸和控制粮温优化集成,形成以保持粮食品质、降低劳动量为主的新型储粮模式。该模式自应用以来,在确保了粮食储藏安全的同时,每年可节能28%(约32900 kW.h),减少二氧化碳排放19740 kg,减少了磷化氢排放133.3 kg,同时降低了人力消耗,实现了节能、减排和增效的目的,经济、社会以及环境效益明显。
Based on the experiences of grain storage for years,it designs a new and practical technology process of grain storage for the middle-temperature and high-humidity areas.On the basis of four advanced technologies for grain storage,it forms an optimization and innovation operation mode-the concentric circle grain storage technology,which includes low-temperature grain storage technology,synergistic fumigation technology,intelligent ventilation technology and determination technology for grain condition.While integrating and optimizing moisture-maintaining ventilation,recirculation fumigation and grain temperature control technology,it also forms a new grain storage mode for keeping grain quality and decreasing labor intensity.Since its application,it has not only enssured grain storage safety,saved 28% energy about 32900 kW·h,reduced carbon dioxide emission by 19,740 kg and decreased phosphine releasing by 133.3 kg each year,but also reduced the waste of manpower,and made energy saving,emission reduction and increasing efficiency into realization,achieved obvious economic,social and environmental effects.
Grain Storage
grain storage technology process
optimization and innovation
energy saving and emission reduction