这里使用WinInet API设计实现了基于IP方式的彩信收发模块。该模块具备与彩信中心(MMSC)通过HTTP方式交互的功能,除了使用IP方式提高发送成功率外,还通过异步工作方式实现了彩信并发、收发进度显示以及中途终止发送和接收的扩展功能,并充分考虑了网络较差的情况。结果表明,该设计优于传统的WAP方式的实现方案。同时,该设计也扩展了无线上网卡的功能,增加了其附加值。
This paper describes a designof IP-based Multi Media Message(MMS) Transceiver module using WinInet API.This design realizes interaction with Multimedia Message Service Center(MMSC),improves the success rate of sending MMS by IP-based method in bad network conditions,supports MMS concurrency,progress report and aborts the sending or receiving of MMS at any time.This design brings more added-value to the wireless network card.
Communications Technology