Since the secret key of a RSA cryptosystem d∈Z φ(n) ,the secret sharing schemes of the previous threshold RSA cryptosystems were set up over the ring Z φ(n) .But It has natural difficulties: Z φ(n) is not a field and the φ(n) must be kept secret.The existing methods to surmount these difficulties need place rigorous restrictions on the structures of the RSA modulus n and can cause continuous multiplications of large integers,or need an algebraic extension of the ring Z λ(n) .We present a new threshold RSA scheme which instead of the ring Z φ(n) ,we use a general large prime field Z r as the background structure to set up the (t,l) threshold scheme.And then,the above difficulties are overcome and the scheme presented is more practical and efficient in this paper.
Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition)