记述了采自福建省的卵翅蝗属一新种:德化卵翅蝗( Caryanda dehuaensissp .nov .) ,该新种近似于白尾卵翅蝗( Caryanda albufurcula Zheng 1988) .
A new species of Caryanda stl got from Fujian province was described.The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology,Shangdong University,Jinan. Caryanda dehuaensis, sp.nov.(Figs.1~8) This new species is similar to Caryanda albufurcula Zheng,but differs in :(1)length of middle joint of antennae is 2.25 times of the width;(2)length of male tegmina is 2.5 times of width;(3)in male the length of mesosternal interspece is 3.6 times of its width;(4)furcula brown;(5)the epiphallus different. Length of body:♂25.0~26.0 mm,♀ 32.0~36.0 mm;length of pronotum:♂5.0~5.5 mm,♀ 7.0~8.0 mm;length of tegmina:♂3.5~4.5 mm,♀4.8~5.5 mm;length of hind femur:♂13.5~14.8 mm,♀17.2~18.2 mm. Holotype ♂,Paratypes 4♂♂,7♀♀,Dehua County(Daiyunshan,25°43′N,118°12′E),1500 m,July 30,1996,collected by Wang Yuwen,Zhang Jingtao and Liu Pingbo.
Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition)