
技术进步与我国产业结构调整关系的实证研究 被引量:43

Research on the Relationship between Technical Progress and Adjustment of Industry Structure in China
摘要 基于1978~2006年的时间序列数据,运用向量自回归(VAR)模型,在此基础上进行协整分析、G ranger因果分析,并用脉冲响应函数对技术进步和技术效率对产业结构调整的动态效应进行分析。结果表明,我国技术进步与产业结构调整不相协调;技术效率是第一、第二产业比重变化的主要原因;技术进步和技术效率对第二产业的调整影响比较大,但对第三产业的影响力度比较小;技术进步是深化和优化产业结构根本途径,合理的产业结构促进技术进步和技术效率进一步提高。 Based on the time-series data from 1978 to 2008 in China,the paper develops a VAR model and analyzes the long-term equilibrium relation by co-integration test,Granger causality test and impulse response function.The results show that: Chinese technical progress is not coordinated with the adjustment of industrial structure;technical efficiency is the main reason to make the proportion change of the primary industry and the secondary industry;the influence of technical progress and technical efficiency on adjustment is deeper on the secondary industry than that on the tertiary industry;technical progress is the fundamental way to deepen and optimize the industrial structure,and reasonable industrial structure will improve technical progress and technical efficiency.
作者 李健 徐海成
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期8-13,18,共7页 Soft Science
关键词 技术进步 技术效率 产业结构 协整 GRANGER因果关系 脉冲响应函数 technical progress technical efficiency industry structure co-integration theory Granger causality impulse response function(IRF)
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