电力系统的无功补偿与无功平衡是保证电压质量的基本条件, 是提高电力系统运行稳定性、安全性和经济效益的重要措施。在电力系统规划设计中, 应重视无功电源和无功负荷的平衡。通过对2000 年、2005 年山西省部分地区500 kV 和220 kV 主网无功平衡分析,
Power system's reactive power compensation and reactive balance are basic requirement to ensure voltage quality,and also important measures to increase stable,safe and economic operation of power system .Consequently,power system's reactive power supply and reactive load balance should be attached with much value in power system plan.By analysis of reactive balance of Shanxi province and region's 500 kV and 220 kV network in 2000 and 2005,advice of controlling main network reactive is given.