目的探讨陀螺旋转式钴60立体定向放射治疗系统(陀螺刀)治疗脑膜瘤的方法和疗效。方法 应用上海伽玛星科技发展有限公司的GMXB型陀螺旋转式钴60立体定向放射治疗系统,治疗26例脑膜瘤患者,肿瘤直径1.1~5.5cm,多靶点联合照射,50%~60%等剂量曲线包绕,处方剂量周边3600~5000cGy,中心9600~11700cGy,单次剂量300~470cGy,1次/日,5次/周,一个疗程7~11次。结果随访3~18个月,按实体瘤疗效WHO评价标准,完全缓解(CR)3例,占11.54%,部分缓解(PR)12例,占46.15%,稳定(SD)9例,占34.62%,进展(PD)2例,占7.69%。肿瘤控制率92.31%,症状改善率84.62%。结论陀螺刀治疗脑膜瘤安全、有效,副作用少。
Objective To explore the strategy and efficacy of meningiomas treated by top revolves cobalt 60 stereo orientation surgical radiotherapy system. Methods 26 patients with meningiomas were treated by GMB-X type to spiral and cobalt 60 stereo orientation radiotherapy treatment system from Shanghai gamma star compation. Joint multi-target irradiation,tumor diameter 1.1~5.5cm.The duration of treatment was 7~11 times,once a day, five time for a week,each dosage was 300~470cGy,center dosage was 9 600~11 700cGy,and 50%~60% isodose curve surrounded. Peripheral dose was 3 600cGy^5 000cGy. Results All patients were followed-up 3~18 months. Evaluation of solid tumors by WHO criteria, 3 cases(11.54%) of the tumor disappeared, the volume of tumor reduced in 12 cases (46.15%), 9 cases(34.62%) of the unchanged, 2 cases (7.69%) diabetes insipidus, growth control rate of tumor was 92.31%,clinical symptoms 84.62% were improved. Conclusion Top knife treat meningiomas is safe, effective and less side effects.
Modern Medicine Journal of China