目的 探讨治疗不孕症的新方法, 以提高不孕症治疗水平。方法 1- 超促排卵: 采用CC/HCG 方案、FSH/HCG方案、及接受卵子捐赠各1 例, 其余13 例采用GnRh-a/FSH/HCG方案。2-B超监测卵泡发育, 适时肌注HCG,36 小时后取卵。3- 取卵48 小时后选择高质量胚胎进行移植。结果 共穿刺卵泡224 个, 获卵152 个, 卵子回收率67-9% , 受精率89-5% , 卵裂率81-6% , 获生化妊娠2 例, 临床妊娠2 例, 临床妊娠率12-5% 。结论 体外受精与胚胎移植可作为输卵管性不孕的首选治疗。
Objective To evaluate the new method of cuming infertility and promote treatment level of infertile patients.Method 1. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation: ovarian stimulation with CC/HCG and FSH/HCG protocol and accept the oocyte donation 1 case respectively. the other 13 by ovulation induction with GnRh-a/FSH/HCG protocol. 2. Monitoring of follicular development with B-ultrasonography and follicular aspiration was performed 36 hours after HCG was giver timely. 3. Then to select high quality of embryo for transfer to the uterus after 48 hours. Result Total 224 follicles were be punctured and 152 oocytes were by collected. The rate of oocyte retrieval, fertilization and cleavage were 67 9%, 89 5% and 81 6%, respectively. 2 patients had biochemical pregnancy and two had clinical pregnancy. clinical pregnancy rate of 12 5% per stimulated cycle. Conclusion In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer were the first method to treat infertile patients with tubal disease.
Medicine and Pharmacy of Yunnan
In vitro fertilization Embrgo transfer