目的观察围胰腺区域性微创治疗方案对重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)大鼠的影响。方法 72只SD大鼠随机分为自然病程组(SAP组)、常规治疗组(R组)、DDFA治疗组(DDFA组)、微创治疗组(W组),各组分配18只。每组分6、12、24 h三个时间点,每时间点分配6只。采用5%牛黄胆酸钠逆行胰管注射法建立大鼠SAP模型。建模后按时间点分批采血并测血白细胞、血淀粉酶,提取血清测IL-6、TNF-α、PL-A2,吸取腹腔液测淀粉酶,取胰腺组织制作病理切片。结果各组各时间点间腹腔液淀粉酶含量及血淀粉酶含量、白细胞计数、血清IL-6、TNF-α、PL-A2含量、病理评分比较均有显著性差异。结论围胰腺区域性微创治疗方案能显著降低大鼠血白细胞、淀粉酶、IL-6、TNF-α、PL-A2、腹水淀粉酶、胰腺组织病理评分,是阻止SAP进展的有效方法。
Objective To investigate the curative effect of the minimally invasive surgery around pancreat region in treating rats with severe acute pancreatitis. Method 72 rats were randomed divided into 4 groups( the control group, the routine therapy group,the DDFA group,the minimally surgery group). Each group has 18 rats which were divided into 3 teams further. The model was made by injection of 5% sodium deoxyeholate through retrograde lybilio pancreatic ducts. After the model was made suceesfuly ,the rats were killed in special times (6,12,24 h). Get the blood from heart for test the leucocyte, the blood amylzyme, the ascites amylzyme, the IL - 6, TNF - α, PL - A2 in the blood serum, and the pathological changes. Result The comparision of index the above - mentioned among the teams of the groups is significant. Conclusion The minimally invasive surgery around pancreat region can obviously decrease the leucocyte, the blood amylzyme, the ascites arnylzyme, the IL- 6, TNF-α, PL -A2 in the blood serum, and improve the pathological change in SAP rats with severe acute pancreatitis. This therapeutic regimen is effective.
Medical Innovation of China