
基孔肯雅病毒与基孔肯雅热 被引量:4

Chikungunya Virus & Chikungunya Fever
摘要 基孔肯雅热是一种人兽共患病,是由基孔肯雅病毒(chikungunya virus,CHIKV)引起,以发热、皮疹、关节疼痛和轻度出血为主要特征的急性传染病。这种病毒病主要分布在非洲、南亚、东南亚热带和亚热带地区。近年来在印度洋地区造成大规模流行,并波及我国南方,疫区在不断扩大。埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊是主要传播媒介。通过携带病毒的伊蚊叮咬而传播。在实验室内可通过气溶胶传播,目前尚无直接人传人的报道。多数病人能完全痊愈,但有些病人关节疼痛持续较长时间。 Chikungunya virus is an arthropodbune virus.Numerous chikungunya outbreaks have been reported in Africa and Southeast Asia since CHIKV was first isolated in Tanzania in 1953.Chikungunya fever is a viral infection transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquitoes,aedes aegypti and ae albopictus appeared to be the main vector.Chikungunya fever is the acute infectious disease characterised by fever,headaches,chills,severe conjunctivitis,macular rash,myalgia and severe joint pain with or without swelling,the most commonly involved joints are the metacarpophalangeal joints,wrists,elbows,shoulders,knees,ankles and metatarsal joints.Fever,arthralgia and rash are the three most common symptoms.CHIKV infection also occasionally results in more severe clinical manifestations,including neurological complications,myocarditis,hepatitis,and hemorrhage.Diagnosis of chikungunya infection is confirmed by an immunocapture ELISA by using a goat anti-human immunoglobulin M antibody,an inactivated cell-culturegrown chikungunya virus and a mouse anti-chikungunya hypeimmune ascitic fluid,and a horseradish peroxidaselabeled antimouse IgG conjugate,and detecting CHIKV RNA by RT-PCR.
作者 邵惠训
出处 《临床医学工程》 2011年第4期626-628,共3页 Clinical Medicine & Engineering
关键词 基孔肯雅热 人兽共患病 埃及伊蚊 白纹伊蚊 灵长类动物 Chikungunya fever Zoonosis Aedes aegypti Ae albopictus Primates
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