以SSCI JCR(2009)为依据,对其所收录的图书馆学情报学期刊在SSCI源期刊的历史变动信息及国家分布、总被引频次、载文量、被引半衰期、出版频次进行统计分析,并析出CSSCI和SSCI收录的影响因子排名前三的图书馆学情报学源期刊进行比较。根据分析结果,对SSCI收录的图书馆学情报学期刊的选择特征、图书馆学情报学专业研究以及我国图书馆学情报学期刊的国际化发展提出相应建议。
Based on the Journal Citation Report(2009) ,this paper analyzes the periodicals in Library and Information Science cited by Social Science Citation Index(SSCI). The focus of the discussion lays on the analyses of periodicals names, changed information of history, publishing countries, total cites, all articles cited in 2009, their cited half-life periods, publishing frequencies and a comparative analysis of the top three source journals according to the impact factors included in domestic CSSCI and SSCI. Based on the results of statistic, s and comparison, the paper makes some suggestions to overseas periodicals choice and internationalization of Chinese period- icals of Library and Information Sciences.
Library and Information Service