一、前言在石炭、二叠纪地层中含有一类由多角柱状或圆柱状个体所组成的块状或丛状复体珊瑚,它们具有郎士德型鳞板带和轴部构造,过去人们常将它们鉴定为Lithostrotionella Yabe et Hayasaka,1915。实际上,这类珊瑚包括Stelechophyllum,Aulostylus,Acrocyathus,Petalaxis,Huanglongophyllum,Thysanophyllum,Actinocyathus,Lonsdaleia,Kleopatrina(Porfirievella)。在广西南丹晚石炭世早期Profusulinella带下部地层中盛产lithostrotionelloid珊瑚,经鉴定共有5属24种(及亚种),它们是Acrocya-
The Lithostrotionelloid colonial oorals were put forward representing Stelechophyllum, Aulostylus, Acrocyathus, Patalaxis, Huanglongophyllum, Thysanophyllum, Actinocyathus, Lonsdaleia and Kleopatrina (Porfirievella), which had very similar internal features in corallites and flourished in the Carboniferous, mainly based on Sando's studies (Sando, 1982; 1983). Their coloniality has been discussed, with the conclusion that the fasciculate corals basically acted on lateral increase and the cerioid on peripheral increase, and that although both of the polyps were similar to solitary corals and with no common tissue between each other in adults, the latter was obviously superior in connection between corallites, intensity of skeleton structure, utilization of all the available space and re- duction in the surface area of the exposed skeleton. Also discussed are their axial features, by which most of the lithostrotionelloid genera are distinguished, such as the developed or undeveloped axial tabellae, the exial aulo, septal lamellae or radial carinae, the concentric trace of tabulae, the continuous or discontinuous axial structure, etc. The lithostrotionelloid corals described in the present paper were collected from the Lower Profusulinella zone in Nandan, northern Guangxi, containing 24 species and subspecies (including 7 new species and subspecies) within 5 genera, namely, Acrocyathus: A. pennsylvanicus. (Shimer), A. hsujiulingi (Yoh); A. tingi (Chi); A. tingi proliferus subsp, nov.; A. grechovkae (Degtjarev);A. yohi sp. nov. Actinocycathus: A. lutugini (Fomichev); A. densiconus (de Groot) Lonsdaleia: L. cf. chutsingensis (Chi); L. huangi Chi Petalaxis: P. nandanensis sp. nov.; P. simplex (Hayasaka); P. monoayclicus (de Groot); P. monocyclicus (de Groot); P. rosicum Zheng; P. confertus Kozyreva; P. sexangulus (de Groot); P. major (de Groot): P. grootae breviseptatus subsp. nov.; P. sinensis sp. nov. Huanglongophyllum: H. longhuoense (X. Yu); H. elegantum sp. nov.; H. cf. parasimplex X. Yu; H. distans sp. nov.; H. mi
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica