一、前言 1977年,云南会泽县铅锌矿勘探队在云南会泽县铅锌矿区的石炭纪地层剖面(A-A′和B-B′)采得一批珊瑚化石标本,有四射珊瑚和床板珊瑚共9属12种和1未定种,包括1新属和9新种,产化石层位为下石炭统上司段、上石炭统威宁组上部和马平组底部,珊瑚化石较为丰富的是在上司段。下石炭统在结山组和上石炭统威宁组中、下部是含铅锌矿的层位。据有关资料证实。
The Carboniferous corals described in this paper were collected some years ago by the Lead-Zinc Prospecting Team of Huize from Sections A—A'and B—B'(Text-fig.1)in Huize County(26°—27°north latitude and 103°—104° east longitude),Yunnan. These two sections can be'simply recognized in descending order as follows:Upper Carboniferous Maping Formation Upper Part Thick-bedded argillaceous limestone(1—3m),changing to pure biolithite(2—20m)in some places.13—30m Middle and Lower Parts Purple limestone gravels cemented by mud and purple shale.18—35m Bottom Pure limestone,yielding Axolithophyllum sp 5—8m Weining Formation Upper Part Grey limestone networked with dolomite veins,yielding Amygdalophylloides kionophylloides sp.nov.,A.aepitabulatus sp.nov.and A.stenotabulatus sp.nov.14—19m Lower Part Greyish white,yellowish coarse-grained dolomite,representing an important pay rock horizon.47—77m Lower Carboniferous Shangssu Member Dark grey limestone,yielding abundant fossils such as Corwenia magna Wu et Zhao,Arachnolasma leptaxia sp.nov.,A.multitabulata sp.nov., Axophylloides huizensis gen.et sp.nov.,A.varium(Fan),Durhamina yunnanensis sp.nov.,Syringopora honanensis Lin,Kueichowpora distans sp.nov.and Chaetetes huizensis sp.nov.,with greyish yellow sandstone at the base(0.5—20m).34—36m Zaijieshan Formation Grey limestone,intercalated with dolomite,changing to coarse-grained mineralized dolomite in some places.33—39m This paper describes 9 genera and 12 species in total(including 1 new genus,9 new species and 1 indeterminate species).They can be divided into 3 groups:(1)solitary corals,such as Arachnolasma,Axophylloides,Amygdalophylloides and Axolithophyllum,accounting for 44.4% of the total genera;(2) fasciculate corals,such as Corwenia,Durhamina,Syringopora and Kueichowpora,accounting for 44.4% of the total genera;(3)massive coral,represented by Chaetetes,accounting for 11.2% of the total genera. The solitary corals are all developed with axial structures,but there are differences
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica