1983年,笔者在安徽寿县、凤阳县(插图1)、一带工作期间,详细测制了寿县八公山刘老碑组剖面,将其划分为上、中、下3部分;并根据岩性和化石保存及产出状况,把中部分为7个岩性段,并就此探讨了碳质大化石的变化规律。刘老碑组产有丰富的、种类繁多的化石,笔者从中采到二千多件标本,经详细研究鉴定,除郑文武(1980)报道的属种以外,还有新属种的发现,它们是Pumilibaxa symmetrica sp.nov,Tawuiaafflata sp.nov.,Tachymacrus excauatus gen.
While working on the paper for Mastership of Science in Shouxian and Fengyang,Anhui in 1983,the present writer measured,and studied the biostratigraphical section of the Liulaobei Formation at the Bagong Mountain in detail.This formation has been divided in ascending order into three parts.According to lithological characters and the preservation and distribution of fossils in deposition,the writer,further subdivided the middle part into seven members and studied the evolutional law of megacritarchs in the formation.This formation yields not only a lot of megacritarchs in various shapes,but also certain Metazoa and Metaphyta fossils.The writer has collected and studied in detail more than 2,000 specimens from the formation,which are identified as Pumilibaxa symmetrica sp.nov.,Tawuia afflata sp.nov.,Tachymacrus excavatus gen.et sp.nov.,Mesonactus imparilis gen.et sp.nov.and M.luoyingensis gen.et sp.nov. These fossils first collected from the Liulaobei Formation provide new materials of geological significance for the Huainan Biota in the research on Late Precambrian. Description of New Genera and Species Pumilibaxa Zheng,1980 Pumilibaxa symmetrica sp.nov.(Pl.Ⅰ,figs.6,11,12,15,16,18) Diagnosis:Sole-shaped,carbonaceous films on bedding planes,probably exhibiting longitudinal symmetry,ranging from 4 to 8mm in length and from 2 to 4mm in width at one end and 2mm at the other,and narrowing away at about 1/2 or 1/3 of the films along both margins which make them look like obtuse angles(about 145°). Outlines smooth and even;margins very clear,with or without marginal zone,on which there are stripes or wrinkles parallel to either of the margins. Comparison:The new species resembles Pumilibaxa huaiheiana Zheng in shape but differs in the films narrowing at about 1/2 or 1/3 of them along both margins which make them look like obtuse angles(about 145°)and in the exhibition of longitudinal symmetry. Locality and horizon:Liulaobei Formation,Shouxian,Anhui. Tawuia Hofmann,1979 Tawuia afflata sp. nov.(P1.Ⅰ,fig.2) Di
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica