目的:探讨团注追踪(Bolus chasing)技术在下肢动脉造影中的应用价值。材料和方法:56例CTA或彩超诊断为下肢动脉性病变的患者,介入治疗前采用Bo-lus技术行下肢动脉追踪造影,全程评估下肢动脉病变的程度、范围和侧枝循环建立情况。结果:56例患者中有47例获得优质的动态DSA图像,动脉主干及分支均显示清晰。病变血管的范围、狭窄程度、侧支血管的分布亦显示清晰,占总病例数的84%。9例未能获得满意的图像,占16%。其中6例因造影剂用量不当(2例)或病人疼痛(4例)造成运动伪影,3例因遮盖不当产生饱和伪影而未能获得优质的动态图像,改用常规分段DSA造影。结论:Bolus chasing技术在下肢动脉造影中有很高的应用价值。
Purpose To evaluate the value of Bolus chasing technology in arteriography of lower extremity.Materials and Methods 56 patients diagnosed as peripheral arterial disease(PAD) of lower extremity by CTA or B ultrasound underwent the tracing arteriography of lower extremity by Bolus technology before interventional therapy to evaluate the degree and extend of PAD and collateral circulation status.Result Excellent dynamic DSA images were acquired in 47 cases(84%)in which the arterial bole and branches was displayed clearly.The range and degree of lesions were clearly showed.9 patients(16%)failed to obtain satisfactory images.The reasons included the insufficient amount of contrast materials,movement shadow,and saturation shadow. Conclusion Bolus technology is valuable for arteriography of lower extremity.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging