
法国的绿道概念,孰新孰旧? 被引量:9

Is the French View of Greenways Avant-garde or Déjà-vu?
摘要 首先列举了国际理论界对绿道概念进行的诠释,研究工作的重点包含生态、社会经济及综合意义等不同方面,但共同目标是给绿道规划寻找具有可参考性的建议。对法国的绿道概念"特拉梅韦尔特(trame verte)"的演变进行了综述,详细阐述了法国绿道概念从出生、衰落、概念的回归,到今天概念中融和可持续发展的理念。城市中的环境问题和生物多样性的退化是贯穿在整个概念演变过程中的主要因素,并直接促生了法国对绿道概念进行立法。对这项立法的原创性和有效性的评估认为,从前所未有地将绿道概念写入法律的角度,这项法律是一项创新,但是由于立法是在区域层面,而不是当地的执行层面,从而对这项法律能否真正有效提出质疑。 The article starts with a walkthrough of worldwide literatures on definitions of "greenway". Academic researchers have studied different aspects of greenways,including the ecological,social-economics,and multipurpose aspects,in search of answers for greenway planning. The authors then turn to the evolution of greenway concept in the French context,which developed through four stages:birth,decline,return of idea,and sustainability which is the most recent stage. Urban environmental concerns and biodiversity losses are the driving factors not only during the evolution,but also for the establishment of the new law which was written around the concept of greenway. In the last part,the authors of the article impose an assessment on the originality and the effectiveness of the new law. The authors believe the French law on "trame verte" has an originality,or avant garde in appearance,however without much difference than before,or déjàvu,because it is only compulsory at the regional level,not at the level of the implementation.
出处 《中国园林》 北大核心 2011年第3期55-58,共4页 Chinese Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 绿道 立法 法国 landscape architecture greenway law France
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