车载自组网是近年来无线网络以及智能交通领域的研究热点之一。在真实环境中测试和评估车载自组网的协议和应用有很大难度,因此利用车载自组网仿真工具进行研究就成为了一种很有效的技术手段。文章介绍应用典型仿真器NS-2模拟在城区交通环境下IEEE 802.11 a和IEEE 802.11p协议通信的性能,并对其仿真结果进行对比总结。验证了IEEE 802.11p协议运用于无线车载自组网络的可行性和合理性。
Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks(VANET) is one of the hot research areas in wireless networks and Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) in recent years.It's difficult to test and evaluate the VANET protocols and applications in the real traffic environment.So study of the VANET by using simulation tools will be more feasible and effective.In this paper,the Network Simulator(NS-2) is used to simulate the IEEE802.11a and IEEE802.11p protocols in urban traffic environment.The simulation results are studied and the performance of the two protocols is compared.The result shows the 802.11p is more feasible and reasonable in VANET than 802.11a.
Instrumentation Technology