由于大桥水库地震台网各子台台基和地下结构的特殊性, 造成震级计算上的较大偏差。为此, 利用该台网各子台同一型号地震仪的垂直向速度量记录, 测量了震级为05 ~54 的462 次地震的振动持续时间, 制作了该台网的持续时间震级公式和便查表。在方法上, 不同于通常的按一次或二次曲线的拟合, 而采取计算机自动分段按折线拟合的方法, 以阻尼最小二乘法完成其计算。先进行分台拟合, 比较异同之后, 合并数据再拟合, 最后给出了适宜于鲁坝、瓦吉木两台和大石头、凉风岗、瓦坡支和彝海子4 个台使用的两套平均持续时间公式和便查表, 以供大桥水库地震台网测震分析使用。
In view of the specificity of Daqiao Reservoir Seismic Network on the sub station bases and underground structure,the calculated magnitude M L always appears bias compared with the magnitude calculated by Sichuan Regional Seismic Network Using the observed velocity records in the perpendicular direction with the same pattern seismograph running in Daqiao Network from 462 earthquakes which local magnitude M L 0 5~5 4,we suggest a set of magnitude formulae and convnient magnitude table of local earthquake from signal duration of oscillation for the Seismic Telemetry Network of Daqiao Reservoir This method is different from usual linear of square curve fits,but it adopts segmental straigght line fit with several pieces by using the damped least square method so as to match more objectively such a large number of signal duration data In computation,we obtain,at first,a set of magnitude formulae for 6 sub stations separately,then put forward same similar formulae for sub stations of LUB and WJM and others are suitable for the four sub stations of DST,LFG WPZ and YHZ
Earthquake Research in Sichuan
Daqiao Reservoir
duration magnitude
seismic network
segmental straight line fit