目的探讨鄱阳湖区日本血吸虫病流行区人群血吸虫再感染和新感染的规律。方法 1995~2004年(1995~1999年/新华村、2000~2004年/渚溪村)采用血吸虫病病原学检查方法(Kato-Katz法)对疫区5~65岁的常住居民进行连续5年纵向观察。结果疫区人群血吸虫感染率和感染度呈逐年下降趋势。新华村和渚溪村的人群血吸虫感染率分别从16.29%和12.0%,下降到4.86%和7.42%;新华村和渚溪村的人群感染度分别从0.92±3.72和0.41±1.83下降到0.17±1.08和0.28±1.46;居民再感染年间波动较大,新华村11.29%~23.21%,渚溪村7.14%~27.78%,新感染总体稳定,两村均在4%至9%左右徘徊。结论化疗仍是控制病情的主要手段,再感染率高低与化疗前病人感染度无相关关系。
Objective To investigate the characteristics of re-infection and new-infection with Schistosoma japonicum in the Poyang Lake region. Methods A longitudinal survey for five years was carried out at two villages (Xinhua from 1995 to 1999, Zhuxi from 2000 to 2004) of Xingzi County, the individuals from 5 to 65 years old were examined on the infection of S. japonicum with Kato-Katz method. Results The infection rate (Xinhua: from 16.29% to4.86%, Zhuxi: from 12.0% to 7.42%) and EPG (Xinhua: from 0.92 ±3.72 to 0.17±1.08, Zhuxi: from 0.41±1.83 to 0. 28±1.46) on the individuals declined year by year. The re-infection rate fluctuated in the five years ( Xinhua : from 11.29 to 23.21%, Zhuxi : from 7. 14 to 27. 78% ). However, the new-infection rate was generally stable from 4 to 9% at the two villages. Conclusion Chemotherapy was still a good strategy to control the transmission of S. japonicum. There were no relationships between re-infection and EPG before chemotherapy.
Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
Schistosomiasis, Re-infection, New-infection , Poyang Lake region