
鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤15例临床病理分析 被引量:4

Clinical and pathologic features of 15 cases primary mucosal in nasal cavity
摘要 目的探讨鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤的临床病理特点、诊断、鉴别诊断和免疫组化特点。方法分析15例鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤的临床病理资料,所有标本均用HE染色及免疫组化染色,结合组织形态学特点和免疫组化进行临床病理分析。结果本组男性5例,女性10例,年龄41~72岁,平均年龄56.5岁。肿瘤细胞形态多样,有上皮样、梭形、小细胞形。免疫组化标记肿瘤细胞均表达HMB-45、S-100、Vimentin。结论鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤易误诊为其它鼻腔原发性肿瘤,容易导致临床处治不当,延误治疗。与皮肤恶性黑色素瘤相比,鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤更具侵袭性,预后较差。免疫组化标记有助于诊断。 Objective Purpose To study the clinicopathological features of the primary mucosal melanomas in the nasal cavity and discuss its diagnosis and differential diagnosis.Methods The clinical characteristics and histological features in 15 cases of mucosal melanomas of the nasal cavity were performed in combination with immunohistochemical studies.Results The patients were 5 males and 10 femals,aged from 41 to 72 years(mean 56.5 years).The tumors were composed of a variety cells such as epithelioid,spindled,or undifferentiated.Immunohistochemical stain showed the tumors were positive for HMB-45,S-100 and Vementin.Conclusions Primary nasal mucosal melanoma is rare tumor that is frequently confused with other malignancies,resulting in inappropriate clinical management.To compare with melanomal in the skin,it usually follows an aggressive course.The neoplastic cells are positive for HMB-45 and S-100 protein,which is significant for pathological diagnosis.
出处 《遵义医学院学报》 2010年第5期447-450,共4页 Journal of Zunyi Medical University
关键词 鼻肿瘤 恶性黑色素瘤 误诊 免疫组织化学 nasal cavity malignant melanoma misdiagnosis immunohistochemistry
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