Objective To investigate the specific activity of 24Na per unit neutron fluence,AB/φ, in blood produced for Chinese reference man irratiaded by 252 Cf neutron source, and to analyze the effects of scattering neutrons from ground, wall, and ceiling in irradiation site on it. Methods A 252Cf neutron source of 3× 10^8 n/s and the anthropomorphic phantom were used for experiments. The phantom was made from 4 mm thick of outer covering by pcrspex and the liquid tissue-equivalent substitute in it. The data of phantom dimensions fit into Chinese reference man. The weight ratios of H, N, O and C in substitute equal to 10. 6: 2.5: 63.2: 23.7, and its density was 1. 006-1. 008 g/cm3 (20℃). The irradiation-distances, d, from source to long axis of phantom were 1. 1, 2. 1, 3. 1 and 4.1 m, respectively. Both the neutron source and the position of xiphisternum of the phantom were 1.6 m above the floor. Results The average specific activity of 24Na per unit neutron fluence was related to the irradiation-distances, d, and its maximum value ,AB/φ, deduced by experimental data was about 1.85 × 10 -7 Bq·cm2· g-1. Conclusions The AB/φ corresponds to that of phantom irradiated by plane-parallel beams, and the value is about more 3% than that by BOMAB phantom reported in literature. It has shown that floor-(wall-)scattered neutrons in irradiation site have significant contribution to the specific activity of 24 Na , but they contributed relatively little to the induced neutron doses. Consequently, using the specific activity of 24Na for assessing accidental neutron doses received by an individual, the contribution of scattered neutrons in accident site will lead dose to be overestimated, and need to be correct.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection