
车辆编队系统的多目标分布式控制 被引量:5

Multi-Object Distributed Control of Vehicle Platoon System
摘要 针对车辆编队系统,通过引入空间变量和空间移动算子,建立多维的空间关联系统模型.采用多目标分布式控制方式,同时考虑系统的动态过程和能量消耗,设计了与被控对象有着相同关联结构的分布式反馈H2/H∞控制器,在系统具有较好动态性能的同时使能量消耗尽可能地少.以弹簧质点模型来模拟车辆的编队模型,进行仿真实验,仿真结果说明方法的有效性和可行性. In this paper,vehicle platoon spatially invariant interconnected systems are modeled as multidimensional systems by introducing spatial variables and spatial shift operators.The multi-object distributed H2/H∞ control method is investigated based on the model.Distributed output feedback controllers,which have the same structure as the plants,are designed to ensure that the systems have both good dynamic characteristic and system outputs to be as little as possible.Finally,vehicle platoon interconnected system is simulated by mass-spring model and the results demonstrate the correctness of the model and effectiveness of the method.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期294-298,323,共6页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
关键词 分布式控制 车辆编队 关联系统 distributed control vehicle platoon interconnected systems
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