作者等在建立了甲状旁腺激素(hPTH_(1-34))RIA 法的基础上,分析多种内分泌疾病患者血浆中三种形式的 PTH 并进行比较,同时还相应测定了血浆 cAMP、血钙及血无机磷等,结果显示 hPTH_(1-34)与其它二种 PTH 有显著相关性,以100例健康受试者的结果作为生理参考值,以资比较。
A RIA for human plasma N-terminal fragment of PTH(hPTH_(1-34))has been deve-loped.In order to evaluate the validity of this method and its application in diagno-sis of parathyroid dysfunction,hPTH_(1-34) levels in patients with various endocrinediseases including hyperand hypoparathyroidism were measured,and results comparedwith those of intact PTH(hPTH_(1-84))and the middle fragment (hPTH_(44-68))assayedby means of the corresponding RIA-kits,with data obtained from 100 normal adultsas reference valu(?).It was shown that results obtained by this method for hPTH_(1-34)correlated with other parameters tested significantly and fitted well with clinicaldiagnosis.
Tianjin Medical Journal