Objective There is no consensus on the treatment of renal colic, a hazardous condition for both pregnant women and their fetus during pregnancy. The present study was to evaluate the therapeutic safety and efficacy of double-J stent. Methods Twenty-five pregnant women were admitted into our hospital for renal colic between January 2008 and June 2009. The mean age was (28.3 ± 4. 9) years old. And the mean gestational week was (20. 1 ± 6. 9) weeks. The diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were as follows: (1) Upon admission, routine urine and blood tests, chemistry panel and ultrasonography were performed. (2) Analgesics or antispasticity drugs were dispended to the patients, such as progesterone. (3)Magnesium sulfate was used for anti-inflammation. (4)If renal colic was not relieved, a double-J stent was inserted into the ureter via cystoscopy. At pre-, intra- and post-operation, an obstetrician monitored the fetal heart and uterine contraction. (5) Uhrasonography was conducted to check the location of double-J stent. (6) After delivery, the women underwent ESWL ( extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) and then the double-J stent was extracted. Results Five (20%, 5/25 ) patients had a positive previous history: three for renal calculus ( n = 3 ), solitary kidney ( n = 1 ) and reimplantation of ureter ( n = 1 ). Only one patient run a high fever of 40 ℃. Most patients (84%) had a positive percussion over renal regions. Only 6 patients (24%, 6/25) were found to have a great quantity of red blood cells in urine. Half of the patients showed 10 - 20 white blood cells (WBC) per high power field in urine. Fifteen patients (60%, 15/25 ) had an elevated count of WBC in routine blood test. Only one patient was with elevated serum creatinine because of her solitary kidney. The calcium level decreased in 8 patients (32%, 8/25 ). All patients suffered hydronephrosis while 18 patients (72% , 18/25 ) were not found with calculus in ureters or ki
National Medical Journal of China
Low back pain
Renal colic