A series of Ni-Cu/ZnO catalysts were prepared by co -precipitation, characteed byternp erature - programmed reduction (TPR), magnetic susceptibility, X -ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS) techniques and studied in CO hydrogenation. TPR results revealed that thesupport, ZnO, disperses CuO, but strongly interactes with NiO. After reduction, Ni-Cu alloywas formed. Magnetic susceptibility and XPS results further indicated that Cu enriches on thealloy and there might be an electronic effect between Ni and Cu, i.e. Cu Aught donate electronsto Ni. In CO hydrogenation, all the catalysts seldrively catalyzed the formation of methanol.With the increase of Ni/Cu ratios, the selectivity to methanol decreases, while that to methaneincreases. None of the bimetallic catalysts showed the activity of a sample of combination ofNi/ZnO and Cu/ZnO with corresponding composition. The total reaction rates did not increaseappredably with increasing Cu concentration at constant Ni content, but decreased drasticallyWhen Ni was added at constant Cu content. The results of this study shows that there are bothinteractions between Ni and Cu metals and interactions between metals and support. Theinteraction between metals can weaken the interactions between metals and support.
Bimetallic catalyst Metal-support interaction Metal-mwtal interaction AlloyCO hydrogenation