采用流行病学调查与临床观察等方法,查明圈养鹿对各种应激原具有较高的敏感性。较强的应激原相对集中于夏秋两季,在六月(1.67%) 和九月(2.20% )引起两次发病死亡高峰。对新生仔鹿追赶抓捕、刻记耳号和免疫注射可导致死亡率1.98% ,母鹿拒绝哺乳(弃子),使仔鹿发育减慢和成活率降低4.38% 。离乳分群可引起仔鹿和母鹿较强的应激反应。锯茸过程中驱赶保定所致的惊恐, 割锯鹿茸引起的疼痛、失血, 以及发情配种过程中的兴奋冲动、追逐角斗,可导致公鹿强烈的应激反应,引起食欲锐减97.16% ,体力大量消耗、体重下降18.81% 。长途运输因装卸车时的恐惧,运输途中的紧张、饥渴及环境改变等因素而使圈养鹿发生强烈应激反应。
We have studied the stressor and it's pathogenicity of penraise deer.wivth method of epidemiology investigation and clinical observe.The result shows that the penraise deer.have high sensitivity to vairous stressor.The stronger stressor is from summer AND and Autumn.In these seasons deer.may be appear death fastigium on June(1.69%)and Juiy(2.20%).The catching of newborn deer,making earmarks and immune injection may lead does that clam deer refused to feed yaung deer(abanden yaung animal)and mad newborn deerslowed growing up and reduced the rate of survival(4.38%).Stoping milk and deviding can cause high mortality of the dalmdeer and the babydeer.In the sawing carialg enous take alarmed at chasing and enlacing ,and the pain ,the bloodshed ,and oestrus and breeding could result in strong stress of the buck and anorexia (97.16)%,physical strength deplete ,body weight reduce (18.80%).At long distence transport becaus of the fright at loading and unloading and the tensity ,the starvation ,the thirstiness and the surronding ,shift et al mad the deers appear strong stress.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research