针对高职人才培养方向,在分析与研究虚拟仪器技术和NI ELVIS平台的基础上,通过设计实例介绍了NI ELVIS在电子技术课程教学中的应用,实践证明,NI ELVIS在电子学教学中的应用具有创新性、灵活性和适应性,有利于开拓学生实践能力和创新能力的培养。
This article aims at the professorship of a direction in the analysis and research instruments and technology in the virtual NI ELVIS platform on the basis of instance, the design on NI ELVIS in the course of the application of technology and the experience has shown that, NI ELVIS in the electronics teaching is innovative, flexibility and adaptability, and to the students practice and innovation ability to train.
Information Technology