目的: 比较自旋回波(SE) 序列和梯度回波(GRE) 电影序列在主动脉夹层(AD) 诊断中的价值。材料与方法: 分析36 例AD的SE 序列和GRE 电影序列所见,并采用双盲法对两种序列进行对比研究。结果: SE 序列和GRE 电影序列对AD 诊断的敏感性和特异性相同,分别为97 .2 % 、100 % 。SE 序列和GRE 电影序列均有1 例假阴性诊断。SE 序列和GRE 电影序列对内膜片及内膜破口的显示各有其相对的优点,GRE 电影序列对假腔内血栓的显示优于SE 序列。结论: SE 序列对AD 解剖结构的显示较全面,GRE 电影序列能以电影方式动态观察内膜片的运动和主动脉真、假腔及心腔血流信号的变化。因此,在AD 诊断中SE 序列和GRE 电影序列应结合应用,为临床提供更多的诊断信息。
Objective: To compare the value of spin echo(SE) and gradient recalled echo(GRE) cine MRI in the diagnosis of aortic dissection(AD).Materials and Methods: Thirty six patients with AD underwent SE and GRE cine MRI studies. The results were compared with independent double blind reading.Results: Both SE and GRE cine MRI had the same sensitivity (97.2%) and specificity (100%) for AD, and both SE and GRE cine MRI showed one false negative diagnosis. For the detecting of the intimal flap and entry tear, both SE and GRE cine had their own advantages, while for the detecting of mural thrombus within the false lumen GRE cine was superior to SE. Conclusion: SE MRI can well demonstrate the anatomic changes of AD, while GRE cine MRI can dynamically show the movement of the intimal flap and the blood flow in the true and false lumen in cine mode. To combine SE and GRE cine in the diagnosing of AD may provide the physician more useful information.
Journal of Clinical Radiology
Aortic disease Aneurysm
dissecting Magnetic resonance imaging