
强化生物除磷工艺中聚磷菌和聚糖菌竞争影响因素的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress on Competition Between PAOs and GAOs in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
摘要 强化生物除磷(EBPR)是一种高效、经济的除磷工艺,然而在某些条件下聚糖菌的过量繁殖导致除磷效果恶化。文章阐述了影响聚磷菌和聚糖菌生长的关键因素,并展望了今后的研究方向。 Enhanced biological phosphorus removal(EBPR)is accepted as one of the most efficient and economical process to remove phosphorous from wastewater.However,poor performance of EBPR has been reported resulting from proliferation of glycogen accumulating organism(GAOs).This paper reviewed the key factors that afect the competition between phosphorus accumulating organisms(PAOs)and GAO,and an outlook on future research directions.
出处 《中国西部科技》 2011年第8期16-17,共2页 Science and Technology of West China
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2008ZX07316-002)
关键词 聚磷菌 聚糖菌 Polyphosphate accumulating organism(PAOs) Glycogen accumulating organism(GAOs)
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