为了落实《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》,国家和地方均加大了矿产勘查工作,矿产地数据库等地质数字资料在找矿勘查中发挥了重要作用。随着全国矿产资源潜力评价工作和深部找矿工作的开展,矿产地数据库得到了广泛应用。矿产地数据库为保证数据的灵活性及多行业的通用性,其由11个表格包含的173个数据项组成,同时,受当时技术条件的限制,数据库采用MSACCESS进行管理,在实际应用中难以实现无缝地数据管理。作者基于多年的实践应用经验,采用更为成熟的大型数据库软件SQL SERVER对已有的矿产地数据库进行管理,通过SQL语句实现了数据的快速分析和查询,极大的提高了工作效率。
In order to implement the State Council's decision on strengthening geological work,the country and local have all strengthened the mineral exploration work,and the mineral database have been playing an important role.With the work of national mineral resource potential evaluation and the development of deep mineral exploration,the mineral database has been widely used.To insure the data to be flexible and general,the database contained 11 tables and 173 data items.Meanwhile,limited by the technical conditions,it is very hard to manage the data seamless with MS ACCESS.Based on the practical application experience,the author has taken SQL SERVER to manage the mineral database,it is very easy to analyze and query data through SQL,so it improve work efficiency greatly.
Geology and Mineral Resources of South China