1998年汛期,嫩江流域、松花江流域发生了超历史记录的特大洪水。文中在汇集大量勘测分析成果后, 经分析论证得出如下结论: 1998 年嫩江洪水的特征是: 从过程分布上看, 发生早, 结束晚, 持续时间长, 洪水次数多, 支流洪水多在干流遭遇; 从地域分布特点上看, 有上游型、下游型、全流域型洪水;从洪水来源角度看, 洪水主要来自于嫩江右岸支流。松花江干流洪水特征是: 洪水主要来自嫩江, 洪水过程平缓, 洪峰持续时间长。
A catastrophic flood exceed previous records occurred at Nenjiang river basin and Songhuajiang river basin in 1998. The paper collects a vast amount of survey data and analysis results. After through analyzing and proving, the following conclusions were advanced. The flood characteristic of Nengjiang river is that looking from the distribution of time and course, it is the arisen early, the finished late, the continued time long, the number of times more, the branches flood encountered more in the main of the river; looking from the region distribution, there is upstream type, downstream type and whole basin type; looking from the flood source, it is from the right branches of Nenjiang river. The flood characteristic of the main stream of Songhua river is that the flood is mainly from Nenjiang river, the flood hydrograph is gently, the time of propagation of flood peak is longer.
Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China
flood characteristic synthesis analysis Nenjiang river Songhuajiang river