Xinmin core is located at the northwest part of Shenzhen County in Guangdong Province and is 1. 5 km apart from the sea coast. About 30. 6 m-long core was taken in 1997~ 1998 to study environment evolution of the area.According to records of iron and vanadium elements,illite and shell fossils of shellfish in sediments from Xinmin core, climatic records are found in the sediments at a buried depth of 12. 12~10. 91 m of the core,whose graphophyric clay in mixed colors shows a climatic fluctuation from late Pleistocene to early Holocene. FeO distribution curve presents a peak value, but Fe2O3 distribution curve presents a valley at 12. 12 ~ 11. 69 m depth. This suggests that seawater area expanded and the sedimentary environment was in strong reduction during the period and that climate tended to be turning from cool to warm after the last glacial maximum- FeO distribution curve shows a low valley value and Fe2O3distribution curve a peak value at 11. 64~ 10. 91 m depth,indicating that the environment of sedimentation was in strong oxidation and climate may be shortly warm-dry. The analysis results of vanadiurn element and illite prove the conclusion,too.The climatic records of temperature changes for a short period suggest that the climate fluctuated strongly durlng the period of the last deglaciation of Quaternary and it gradually went from the late glacial to postglacial period- This paper may provide useful information for studying sea level rising again since lowest sea level period in Wurm glaciation and paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolutions of late stage of late Pleistocene early Holocene.
Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology