目的:研究油酸致ARDS模型对疾病的长期模拟效果,并探讨内在机制。方法:选择健康新西兰大白兔30只,经左侧耳缘静脉按油酸0.1 ml/kg的剂量缓慢注入,观察动物呼吸、心率变化,测定氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)、动脉氧分压、二氧化碳分压。分别于注射油酸后6小时、24小时、48小时以及72小时处死动物,收集静脉血及肺泡灌洗液(BALF),ELISA法检测肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)变化。H-E染色镜下观察肺部病理改变,计算肺组织含水量以判断肺损伤程度。结果:①所有模型动物在6小时内均出现ARDS表现。②6h组、24h组以及48h组氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)与正常对照组相比均明显降低(P<0.05),且符合ARDS诊断标准。72h组氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)虽然也明显降低,但未达到ARDS的诊断标准。③血浆中TNF-α与IL-6明显升高(P<0.05),于致伤后72小时后有所恢复,但仍高于正常。BALF中TNF-α也出现相同变化趋势,而IL-6则在试验期间持续高表达。④镜下可见两肺充血、出血,肺泡及肺间质水肿,透明膜形成,大量中性粒细胞浸润,终末支气管上皮细胞变性坏死,双肺含水量明显增加(p<0.05)。结论:兔静脉注射油酸48小时内可以稳定模拟ARDS病理生理状态和临床表现,72小时后该模型部分指标恢复,很可能与中性粒细胞活性降低以及兔本身代偿有关。
Objective: To investigate the long-term effects of ARDS model induced by oleic acid and investigate the mechanism.Methods: Thirty healthy New Zealand white rabbits were slowly injected 0.1 ml/kg oleic acid through the left ear vein.The respiration,heart rate,oxygenation index,arterial partial,pressure of oxygen,arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide were detected.The animals were sacrificed at 6h,24h,48h and 72h after injected oleic acid.The blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF) were collected and the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were detected.Following H-E stained,the pathological changes of lungs were detected under the micro-scope.At the same time the wet-dry ratios in lungs were examined in order to judge the state of illnesses.Results: ① There was ARDS for all the rabbits by injected oleic acid in six hours.② The significant drop of the oxygenation index was accorded with the clinical diag-nostic criteria for ARDS in 6h,24h and 48h.Although the 72h group oxygenation index was significantly dropped,it could not reach the diagnostic criteria of ARDS.③The TNF-α in BALF,TNF-α and IL-6 in plasma increased obviously than those in the control group(P0.05) and reinstated after 72 hours.But IL-6 in the BALF was at high levels during the whole period.④All the experimental lung tis-sues were pink,congestion,widespread alveolars and interstitials edema,desquamation and necrosis of terminal bronchiolar epitheliums.The water in lungs increased.Conclusions: This model induced by oleic acid stably simulates the patho-physiology and clinical symp-toms of ARDS in 48h,Seventy-two hours later,the restoration of some indexes in the ARDS model was probably concerned with the de-creasing of the activity of neutrophils and the compensations of rabbits.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine