

Research on ecological relationship between cyclops and microcystis aeruginosa
摘要 为研究富营养条件下剑水蚤与铜绿微囊藻的生态关系,选取了5组具有代表性的种群数量比例,采用静态模拟法对二者进行周期13 d的生态学研究.分别采用计数法和显微计数法测定剑水蚤和铜绿微囊藻的种群数量变化.结果表明:当铜绿微囊藻数量为108个/mL且剑水蚤数量为100只/L时,二者之间相互抑制作用强烈;当铜绿微囊藻数量为107个/mL,剑水蚤数量为100只/L时,二者相互抑制作用仍较明显;当剑水蚤数量降为50只/L后,抑制作用开始减弱.可见二者抑制强度与其种群数量呈一定比例关系,为控制水华及剑水蚤的爆发提供了新的思路. The relationship between cyclops and microcystis aeruginosa had been studied.The static test was divided into 5 groups in concordance with different proportion of populations and studied with periods of 13 days.The way of counting includes micro-metering and numbering.The results show that when the cyclops density is 100/L and the microcystis aeruginosa density is 108/mL,they inhibite each other strikingly.When the microcystis aeruginosa density is reduced to 107/mL,their inhibitory action is also obvious.And then if the cyclops density is reduced to 50/L,the inhibitory action becomes undistinguishable.So there is a proportional relationship between the inhibition intensity and their density.This study provides a new idea and theoretical basis for water bloom and cyclops overpopulated.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1870-1873,共4页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50638020)
关键词 铜绿微囊藻 剑水蚤 生长影响 生态关系 microcystis aeruginosa cyclops growth influence ecological relationship
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