
球面晶体分析器在X射线成像诊断中的研究 被引量:1

X-ray imaging diagnosis using spherically bent crystal analyzer
摘要 为诊断激光等离子体X射线,研制了基于Bragg衍射原理的球面弯曲晶体。球面晶体可提高空间分辨、光谱分辨及立体角收集辐射能力。实验采用球面弯曲石英晶体作为分析器,X射线成像板作为成像器件,利用X射线衍射仪铬靶Kα单色谱成像,验证了0.2 mm间隔双丝的单能像,球面弯晶具有较高的光谱分辨力和信噪比,谱分辨力可达1 000,聚光效率在同样距离条件下比平晶分析器高一个数量级以上。 A spherical bent crystal was developed based on Bragg diffraction to diagnose laser plasma X-ray.Spatial resolution,spectral resolution and radiation collected by solid angle were increased by using the spherically bent crystal.The spherically bent quartz crystal and X-ray imaging plate were adopted as X-ray analyzer and imaging device respectively.The imaging experiment was carried out with an X-ray diffractometer using Cr-target.The experimental results show that the monochromatic image of two-wire with a space of 0.2mm is obtained,the spectrograph of the spherically bent crystal offers good spectral resolution and signal-to-noise,and the calculated wavelength resolution reaches 1000 in 0.2 nm^0.4 nm.The spherically bent crystal is suitable for diagnosing soft X-ray spectroscopy,and the focusing intensity for spherically bent crystal is an order of magnitude higher than plane crystal at the same condition.
出处 《应用光学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期241-244,共4页 Journal of Applied Optics
基金 国家自然科学基金&中国工程物理研究院联合基金资助项目(10976033)
关键词 球面晶体分析器 光谱测量 晶体谱仪 X射线诊断 spherically bent crystal analyzer spectrum measurement crystal spectrograph X-ray diagnosis
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