
400W行波热声发电系统的实验研究 被引量:4

Experimental Study on a 400 W Travelling-Wave Thermoacoustic Electricity Generator
摘要 本文阐述了为太阳能发电系统设计的400W行波热声发电系统(TWTAEG)的实验研究过程。实验系统由行波热声发动机和直线发电机组成,系统采用平均压力为3.5MPa的氦-氩混合气体为工质,其中氩气分压比为1.4%,系统运行频率为74Hz。实验中最大输出电功为446W,此时的热电效率为13%;在输出电功为416W时热电效率最大,达到14.3%;发动机的最大输出声功为835W,发动机的热声转换效率最大值为22.2%;电机的最大声电转换效率为65%。 Experimental investigation on a 400W Travelling-wave Thermoacoustic Electricity Generator(TWTAEG) designed for a solar-powered electrical system is presented in this paper.This system consists of a travelling-wave thermoacoustic engine and linear alternators.The work gas of the system is a mixture of He-Ar with an average pressure of 3.5 MPa in which the proportion of Ar is 1.4%and the frequency of the system is 74 Hz.In the experiment,the maximum electrical power output reaches 446W with a thermoelectric efficiency of 13%and when the electrical power output is 416 W the thermoelectric efficiency is up to 14.3%which is the highest.The maximum acoustic power output is 835 W with a thermoacoustic efficiency of 22.2%and the highest efficiency of the alternators is 65%.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期557-560,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50707034 No 50890181) 国家重点基础研究发展计划973资助项目(No.2010CB227303)
关键词 热声发电 热声发动机 太阳能 thermoacoustic electricity generator thermoacoustic engine solar-powered
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