
政府年度工作报告:官员问责机制建设的一个新视角 被引量:8

Government Annual Report:A New Perspective for Constructing China's Officials Accountability Mechanism
摘要 政府年度工作报告作为系统披露官员政策承诺与业绩报告的重要途径,既是西方发达国家推进官员问责机制建设的最新趋势,也是中国政治制度的潜在优势。与选举、预算、司法审判、独立问责等官员问责机制相比,中国独特的政治架构使得政府年度工作报告在建立公众、政务官以及常任文官之间环环紧扣的问责链,实现汇报与验证、信任与质疑、授权与审查的动态平衡,全面提升信息、激励和约束功能等方面具有明显的优势,并最终有利于提高官员政策承诺的民意遵从度和实现程度,提升治理绩效。因此,以政府年度工作报告为着力点和突破口,完善其运行机制与配套制度应当是推进中国官员问责机制建设的首要途径。 As an important way to systematically disclose policy commitments and performance reports, the Government Annual Report is not only the latest trend for the western developed countries to promote the construction of Officials Accountability Mecha- nism but also the potential advantage of China~ political system. Compared with such Officials Accountability Mechanisms as election, budget, judicial trial and independent accountability, China' s unique political structure makes the Government Annual Report obviously advantageous in terms of establishing the close accountability chain among citizens, elected politi- cians and appointed public servants, realizing the dynamical equilibrium between reporting and verification, trust and ques- tion, delegating and checking, and enhancing the functions of information, incentives and control. Eventually, the Govern- ment Annual Report is to enhance the official policy commitments compliance to the public opinion and improve the govern- ance performance. Therefore, the primary way to carry out the construction of China' s Officials Accountability Mechanism should take Government Annual Report as the fulcrum and breach, and at the same time consummate its operational mecha- nism and relative systems.
作者 杨君
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期7-11,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"领导干部问责制度研究"(项目编号:08CZZ013) 西南大学中央高校基本科研项目"建立健全官员问责机制问题研究"(项目编号:SWU0909636)的阶段性成果
关键词 官员问责机制 政府年度工作报告 可信承诺 official' s accountability mechanism, the government annual report, credible commitment
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