为了探索生活垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化利用途径,在对飞灰化学组成及矿物成分分析的基础上,利用飞灰、黄陶土、耐火砂及长石研制陶瓷砖,最佳配比方案为:飞灰20%,黄陶土60%,长石10%,耐火砂10%,分析了最佳配比制品的吸水率、抗压强度、微观结构及水平振荡浸出毒性。结果表明:飞灰属SiO2-Al2O3-金属氧化物体系,主要矿物成分是钙硅酸盐及铝硅酸盐等,可用于制陶瓷砖;最佳配比制品达MU15强度等级,满足抗风化的要求;随煅烧温度的升高,制品结构不断密实化,960℃烧成的制品显示出完全烧结的特点,960~1 000℃烧成的制品中出现明显的晶化、玻璃化过程。最佳配比制品重金属浸出毒性完全达标,重金属的浸出率与坯体相比大大降低。
Based on chemical and mineralogical composition analysis,MSWI fly ash,together with yellow ceramic clay,ripe sand and feldspar,was used to make ceramic brick,to explore a new way of fly ash recycling.An orthogonal test was designed to determine the optimum mixing ratio of materials,which registers 20% fly ash,60% yellow ceramic clay,10% feldspar and 10% ripe sand.Besides,water absorption,compressive strength,microstructure and HVEP leaching toxicity were performed on ceramic bricks made in accordance with the optimum mixing ratio of materials.It is found that main mineralogical components of fly ash are calcium silicates and alumino-silicates,registering as a SiO2-Al2O3-metal oxides system,which can be used as a raw material of ceramic brick.Ceramic bricks made in accordance with the optimum mixing ratio register MU15 in terms of compressive strength and meet requirements of anti-weathering based on its water absorption.The bricks are much more hardened with increase of sintering temperature.The bricks sintered at 960 ℃ show characteristics of complete sintering,and obvious crystallization and vitrification process was seen in bricks sintered between 960~1,000 ℃.In addition,leaching ratios of heavy metals in the sintered bricks are substantially reduced compared with those in green bodies of brick,which are below the limit value for hazardous waste.
Environmental Science & Technology