
人格自我与意志自由:康德自身意识理论的问题域 被引量:1

Personality,Self and Free Will:The Problem Domain of Kant's Theory of Self-consciousness
摘要 近代以来的自身意识理论在实践哲学中所导致的两个根本困境在于:"人格同一性"或道德人格危机与"意志自由"的失落,这构成了康德的自身意识理论必须面对的两个问题域;康德以"纯粹自身意识"与"经验自身意识"的区分以及一种"非对象性"的自身意识建构人格同一性的最终根基。然而,根本上内在于康德形而上学中的"反思模式"无法避免自身意识的"循环困境"而未能在理论哲学领域中解决自身意识理论的自反性而导致的自我"实存"问题与自我"非实体性"之间的悖谬与对立,从而敞开了进入先验自我的"形而上学—实践性"入口,而这种实践性必须基于对人类自由的理解,在这样的理论进路上所伴随的正是自身意识到人格的概念运动。 In practical philosophy, the theory of self-consciousness caused two fundamental dilemmas : the crisis of "personal identity" and the loss of "free will", which constitute the problem domain of Kant's theory of self-consciousness. Kant laid the foundations for self-identity through distinguishing "pure self-consciousness" and "experiential self-consciousness". However, the "reflective pattern" in Kant's metaphysics cannot avoid the "cyclic dilemma" in self-consciousness theory, so in the field of theoretical philosophy, Kant failed to solve the self-contradiction between "existential self" and "non-existential self", which, as a result, opened the "metaphysical-practical" door to the transcendental ego. the understanding of human freedom, which is concomitant personality. But, this practical knowledge should be based on with the concept shift from self-consciousness to personality.
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期44-51,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 康德 道德人格 自身意识 人格自我 意志自由 Kant ethical personality personal identity personality and self free will
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