为了解周围神经损伤后的修复过程,观察了大鼠坐骨神经冷冻损伤当时至 4 周后的超微结构。发现冷冻损伤后3 天,除变性神经纤维外,尚有新生轴突,皆由雪旺细胞包裹着。1 周后新生神经纤维已较丰富,以无髓纤维为多,有髓纤维罕见,且髓鞘较薄,雪旺细胞和巨噬细胞皆吞噬变性的神经纤维。此后,形态正常的雪旺细胞和神经纤维渐多,被吞噬的变性物质渐少,直至损伤 4 周后,神经组织恢复到基本正常,但仍可见少量被吞噬的髓样结构。这提示,冷冻引起的周围神经损伤,3 天后开始再生,1 周后出现有髓神经纤维,4 周后基本完成修复过程。
To finding out the repairing process of injured peripheral nerve,we observed the changes of ultrastructure of crymo\|injured sciatic nerve from beginning to 4th week in rats.The results showed that some newborn axon encysted with Schwann's cell was found besides degenerated nerve fibers in 3 days of crymo\|injury.A week later,newborn nerve fibers were riched in which unmyelinated fibers were much more than the myelinated fibers,Schwann's cell and microphagocyte phagocytosed the degenerated nerve fibers.After that,normal Schwann's cell and nerve fibers increased gradually and the degenerated substances decreased.Up to 4th week,there still were little phagocytosed medullary structure.Out observation revealed that sciatic nerve damaged by refrigeration began regeneration after 3days.A week later,medullary nerve fibers appeared and the repaired process basically finished until 4th week.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society