SQL注入攻击是近几年来非常流行的针对数据库的攻击手段,因为经由Web页面可以绕过防火墙来渗透攻击数据库系统,进而攻击操作系统,所以具有强大的破坏性。在通过Web页面实施SQL注入的过程中,如何将查询结果返回给攻击者(即数据返回技术)是一个非常核心的技术内容。研究对象是针对Oracle 11g为后台数据库的网站,对其实施SQL注入攻击中的5种数据返回技术,以及与之相对应的各种防御手段。
In recent years, SQL injection is an extremely popular attack against database system. Since webpage-based attacks bypass firewall and then hack operating system, the damage caused by web SQL injection is extremely severe. In the whole injection process, how to return data(data extraction) to attackers is a key technical issue. This paper focuses on five data extraction techniques against Oracle11G-based website, and also the related preventing policies.
Information Security and Communications Privacy