[目的]了解学校呼吸道传染病的流行特征,为加强学校传染病防制工作提供指导。[方法]对2006~2009年迪庆州学校呼吸道传染病疫情资料进行分析。[结果]2006~2009年学校发生呼吸道传染病7种7 122例,无死亡,年均发病率为2 958.08/10万。年发病率(/10万),2006~2009年分别为8 194.93、262.04、1 741.53、1 637.16。年均发病率(/10万),香格里拉县为1 054.76,德钦县为1 757.60,维西县为5 454.82;流行性腮腺炎为1 096.09,流感为1 005.13,风疹为730.18,水痘为44.86,肺结核为35.30,麻疹为31.57,猩红热为14.95。腮腺炎、流感和风疹4~6月、9~10月发病数较多,水痘秋冬季发病数较多,麻疹和猩红热5~7月发病数较多。[结论]迪庆州学校呼吸道传染病防控形势依然严峻,流行性腮腺炎、流感和风疹为重点防治疾病。
[Objective] To Understand the characteristics of respiratory infectious diseases in school,and to provide guidance to enhance the prevention of infectious diseases to school.[Methods]Analyzing the data of respiratory infectious diseases in school of Diqing from 2006 to 2009.[Results]There are 7 species include 7 122 respiratory disease cases in school,but no death from 2006 to 2009.The average annual incidence rate is 2 958.08/10 million.Annual incidence rate(/10 million),from 2006 to 2009 were respectively 8 194.93,262.04,1 741.53 and 1 637.16.The annual incidence rate(/10 million),Shangri-La County is 1 054.76,Deqin County 1 757.60,Weixi County 5 454.82;Mumps is 1 096.09,influenza1 005.13,rubella 730.18,chicken pox 44.86,tuberculosis 35.30,measles 31.57,and scarlet fever 14.95.Mumps,influenza and rubella are higher incident from April to June and from September to October,chicken pox is higher incident in autumn and winter,measles and scarlet fever are higher incident from May to July.[Conclusion]The situation of prevention and control of respiratory infections in school of Diqing is still severe,mumps,influenza and rubella are the diseases which should be focus on.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Respiratory communicabie diseases
Epidemiological characteristics
Immunization program