分析贵州省1998 年温度、降水、日照及主要气象灾害的时空分布。指出本年度年平均气温偏高、年降水量正常略偏少,年日照时数偏少,气象灾害多,发生频繁,气候条件对农业生产有利有弊。在农作物产量形成关键期的3,4 月和7,8 月,气候条件较为有利,加上科技投入力度大,全省粮食生产获得丰收。
Distribution of temperature, precipitation, sunshine and main meteorological calamities in 1998 was analyzed. The temperature is a lightly higher, the precipitation is a slightly less, the sunshine time is less and calamities are frequent, which possess advantages and disadvantages to agricultural production. But it is favorable to the crops in the key period (Mar., Apr. and Jul., Aug.), also with the stronger scitechnological input, so it is a bumper harvest year in 1998 in Guizhou.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences