目的:探讨文献报道的支气管哮喘缓解期中医证候及其临床症状特征。方法:计算机检索CBM、CNKI和TCM数据库,将原始资料数据量化后录入计算机,建立支气管哮喘缓解期中医证候文献研究数据库。采用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行统计描述、logistic回归分析和聚类分析。结果:共收集到合格文献94篇,226条记录,出现频率较高的证型为肺气虚证(19.03%)、脾气虚证(14.60%)、肾气虚证(13.72%)、肺脾气虚证(7.96%)和肺肾气虚证(10.18%)等;根据各主要证型的症状特征所构建的logistic回归方程,对证型的判别准确率达86%以上;结合专业知识对主要症状进行聚类分析,得到肺脾气虚证、肺肾气虚证和脾肾阳虚证3个基本类别。结论:支气管哮喘缓解期基本证候有肺气虚证、脾气虚证、肾气虚证,常见证候有肺脾气虚证、肺肾气虚证、脾肾阳虚证等,可为进一步开展支气管哮喘证候研究提供参考和依据。
Objective:To investigate the basic pattern types and their main symptom features of remission phase of bronchial asthma. Methods : The literature of remission phase of bronchial asthma were collected from CBM, CNKI and TCM, the criterion and the database of TCM syndrome of it was set up, SPSS for windows 13.0 software was adopted for statistical description with logistic regression,cluster analysis. Results :The sum of the literature meeting the requirement is 94, with 226 items concerning the pattem types. The main pattern types with higher incidence frequencies including pattern of lung qi deficiency ( 19.03% ) , pattern of spleen qi deficiency( 14. 60% ) ,pattern of kidney qi deficiency ( 13.72% ),pattem of lung - spleen qi deficiency(7.96% ) ,pat- tern of lung -kidney qi deficiency ( 10. 18% ) , and others. The accuracy of pattern identification of logistic regression equations based on the symptom features of various pattern types are higher than 86 percent; combined with the professional knowledge, in the cluster analysis for main symptoms ,3 clusters are acquired, concerning pattern of lung - spleen qi deficiency, pattern of lung - kidney qi deficiency and pattem of spleen - kidney yang deficiency. Conclusion :There are 3 root types of remission phase of bronchial asthma, as pattern of lung qi deficiency, pattern of spleen qi deficiency, pattern of kidney qi deficiency, and three common types,including pattern of lung - spleen qi deficiency, pattem of lung - kidney qi deficiency and pattem of spleen - kidney yang deficiency. And it can provide references and foundations for the further study of pattern identification of remission phase of bronchial asthma in the future.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
bronchial asthma
remission phase
pattern type of TCM
literature research