为了探讨和研究小麦谷朊蛋白ACE抑制肽分离提纯方法、技术参数及分离效果,首先采用超滤、纳滤膜技术将谷朊蛋白水解液按照相对分子质量的不同进行分离纯化,采用高效液相色谱法和SHR大鼠实验检ACE抑制抑制效果,并对高抑制活性的组分采用凝胶排阻色谱(Sephadex G-25)进一步分离纯化。结果显示膜过滤和凝胶排阻色谱(Sephadex G-25)能够有效分离和纯化谷朊蛋白抑制肽,IC50由0.125mg/mL降低到0.106mg/mL。一次性灌胃SHR大鼠一星期后动脉血压降低(8.86±2.23)mmHg,证明谷朊蛋白抑制肽经过分离纯化后具有良好的降血压效果。
To investigate the separating methods,technical parameters and the separating effect of the angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) Inhibitory Peptides derived from wheat gluten. The ultrafiltration and nano-filtration technology was adopted for the separation of ACE inhibitory peptides.and the ACE inhibition rate of filtered and unfiltered peptides was determined by HPLC.The molecular weight distribution of filtered and unfiltered peptides was investigated by Gel Exclusion Chromatography(Sephadex G-25) . The systolic blood pressure of rats was used to investigate the inhibite effection of wheat gluten ACEIP. Results show that The membrane separation and Gel Exclusion Chromatography could separate the Inhibitory peptides markedly and raise the ACE inhibition rate,The IC50 was increased from 0.125 mg/mL to 0.106 mg/mL.The systolic blood pressure of rats was decreased significantly(8.86±2.23) mmHg. Conclusion is This result testified that the wheat gluten ACEIP had apparent effect on depressing blood pressure.
Food Science and Technology