

Feasibility Analysis for Real-Time Messages over Switched Ethernet
摘要 针对交换式以太网不能满足工业数据通信的实时性要求问题,首先提出了一种改进的,在站点和交换机端均使用EDF算法的消息调度模型,并由源站点和目标站点以分布式方式对实时消息在链路的可调度性进行判定,从而简化了交换机的设计.另外,为保证实时消息在交换式以太网传输的实时性,分别给出了实时消息在发送和接收链路的可调度性判定条件,并进行了相应的理论证明. To overcome the drawback that switched Ethernet can not meet the real-time requirements in industrial communications,an improved message transmission model in which switch and the end-nodes controls the real-time traffic with Earliest Deadline First(EDF) scheduling was proposed.In addition,a distributed feasibility analysis method which is performed by the source and the destination nodes without the modification of the operational features of Ethernet switch was presented.Moreover,a more general condition for feasibility analysis for real-time periodic message over switched Ethernet was given and proved by using real-time theory.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期51-54,58,共5页 Microelectronics & Computer
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60873003 60873195)
关键词 交换式以太网 EDF调度算法 周期性实时消息 switched Ethernet EDF-based scheduling algorithm real-time periodic message
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