
山区公路上驾驶人的车速控制行为分析 被引量:17

Analysis of speed control behavior for driver on mountain highway
摘要 根据大量的路上行驶试验和断面速度观测数据,分析了道路几何线形与驾驶人速度选择行为之间的关系,建立了能够描述弯道行驶、驶进与驶离弯道、直线行驶时的速度选择模型和加、减速度模型,从而生成沿道路里程变化的期望速度曲线。用机械动力学分析软件ADAMS建立汽车的动力学模型,用VB6.0编制道路模块,用VC++7.0编制驾驶人模型,仿真开始阶段生成期望轨迹和期望速度,然后采用前视预瞄的策略进行跟随,实现了车辆的自主驾驶。模拟结果表明:汽车期望速度和行驶路线与汽车实际行驶速度和行驶路线变化趋势相同,以期望速度作为汽车跟随的目标速度,符合汽车的动力学特性要求,能够引领汽车在复杂山区道路上的安全行驶。 The relationship between road geometric characteristic and driving speed was analyzed based on driving experiments and observation data on highways.The mathematic models of acceleration,deceleration and driver's speed control behavior on curve,entering or leaving curve,driving on tangent were obtained,and desired speed profiles along road were generated by the models.A car dynamics model was created by using mechanical dynamics analysis software ADAMS,roadway module was developed by using VB6.0,driver module was developed by using VC++7.0.At the simulation beginning,desired speed and desired path were generated,the car followed them in preview strategy,and the autonomous driving of car was achieved.Simulation result shows that desire speed and desired path change in a same trend with actual driving speed and path.Desired speed can be as the objective for car to follow,it adapts car dynamics characteristics,and can guide the driving of car on complex mountain highways safely.4 tabs,9 figs,14 refs.
出处 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期79-88,共10页 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
基金 重庆市交通科技项目(2007EA6014) 重庆市交通运输工程重点实验室开放基金项目(2008CQJY001)
关键词 交通安全 驾驶行为 期望速度 运行速度 公路线形 自主驾驶 road safety driving behavior desired speed operating speed highway alignment autonomous driving
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